We’ve narrowed down four accessories that we believe every man should own. Gone are the days when these were reserved for the rich, upper class of society. It’s more accessible than ever to find affordable pieces and we believe that every man should invest in some way or another.


Chains and necklaces are a great way to start mainly due to the vast variety to choose from. You could opt for slim and discreet, or go for a louder, statement adornment. This is obviously down to your own personal preference. Either way, a neck piece is the easiest way to dip your toe into the world of men’s jewellery. If this isn’t your style however, hand and wristwear can also easily be implemented. Rings and bracelets have been a staple for men in many cultures, not only to demonstrate power, but to also display their own sense of style. Gold and Silver have been the go-to for many years, due to their adaptability within day-to-day style and this would be our recommendation if this is your first foray into men’s jewellery. This is because they will be the easiest to wear regularly. We also recommend a minimalist look, as the aim is to compliment the outfit in a sophisticated manner.


The cardholder is the sleek and modern alternative of the long-established billfold wallet. You no longer have the bulky and annoying shape, and the slim nature means it fits perfectly in most pockets. With plenty of styles to choose, from hundreds of different designers, you’re bound to find one that suits your tastes. Our pick would be a clean and uncomplicated black cardholder, to add a touch of class to your everyday spending. This way you’ll never feel embarrassed about picking up the cheque again. At Pritchard’s we have a wide range of cardholders available, and these can be viewed in-store or online. With this said, it may be time to make the switch and retire your tired-looking wallet to your bedside table.


Don’t just listen to us, even Tom Ford says that a perfect pair of sunglasses is within the list of things every man should have. A pair of shades that fit you correctly can help frame and accentuate your facial features whilst making it look more symmetrical too. This will leave you looking your best, which makes them an essential addition for any person. The versatility of sunglasses means that they can be worn with virtually every outfit, they can also help make a basic look appear more luxurious. For that reason,  they’ve been the choice of leading-men and style icons of days gone by, the right pair of sunglasses can add an element of mystery whilst simultaneously tying your outfit together. Our selection of Messy Weekend sunglasses gives you a wide range of choice, style, and shape. In other words, there is a pair for everybody, leaving you looking and feeling like a movie-star whenever the sun is out.

How do I choose the right sunglasses for my face shape?

To choose the right sunglasses for your face shape, consider the opposite shape. For example, if you have a round face, opt for angular frames to add definition. If you have a square face, go for round or oval frames to soften angles. Experiment with different styles and see what suits you best!


You can tell a lot about a man by their watch. Like cars, you can infer their tastes and whether they’re trying to make a statement by the piece they wear on their wrist. An accessory of understated luxury, a watch can fit every occasion, and there are specific designs for different moments. You don’t need to break the bank on your first purchase either, as there are hundreds of affordable brands, which means you can feel out your preferences before committing to a more expensive time piece. Whether you are looking for a classic leather or silver strap, we believe that a watch is an essential accessory for any man. And with the versatility that it can provide, it’s a no brainer to start wearing one today.

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